Space Technology
UAE constantly seeks opportunities to deploy the most up-and-coming space technologies in terrestrial applications, develop satellite communications technology and explore celestial bodies. We hope to make UAE a world leader in space services and exploration.

Climate Change & Energy
UAE is not immune to the climate changes that have been wreaking havoc over the globe, and the only solution is to be prepared to adapt to these impacts, so that UAE is well prepared to deal with climate change. Through our science-based advisory role and leading research initiatives, we aim to support UAE in prioritizing climate change and advancing towards a low carbon future, as well as developing new innovative solutions and business opportunities. With renewable energy gaining traction, we hope to lower UAE’s carbon footprint and become a regional leader in climate change action

Robotics / AI & Cloud Computing
We actively seek advanced technologies and processes from leading industries around the world, in order to support our vision with the best available technology to meet the UAE market demands and requirements. Our strengths are focused on forging reliable partnerships that further our capability to build advanced robotics and AI systems across the United Arab Emirates.